ISO Information
Tillamook Fire District ISO Rating
- If your property is located within 5 road miles of a fire station and there is a fire hydrant within 1,000 feet, your ISO rating is a Class 3.
- If your property is located within 5 road miles of a fire station and there is no fire hydrant within 1,000 feet, your ISO rating is a Class 3Y.
New ISO Classification Rating Effective July 1, 2014
Tillamook Fire District does not provide individual classification rates by specific property location. Classification rates for individual property locations are provided by Insurance Services Office.
What is ISO?
Insurance Services Office provides analytical data for insurance companies for property/casualty insurance risk. Information is provided for both commercial, and residential properties located throughout the Unites States and around the world.
What type of data is provided?
ISO provides data to insurance companies by evaluating a community’s ability to provide fire protection under a certain set of criteria. The criteria are identified through the “Public Protection Classification Program” using what is called the “Fire Suppression Rating Schedule”. The criteria recognizes national standards developed by the National Fire Protection Association and the American Water Works Association.
What is the Fire Suppressing Rating Schedule?
The “Fire Suppression Rating Schedule” is a specific set of criteria used to evaluate local communities and their ability to provide fire suppression, and fire prevention in their local area. The result of that evaluation is what is call a “Public Protection Classification”, or PPC. The classification is a numerical rating system from Class 1 representing superior fire protection, and Class 10 representing an area that does not meet the minimum recognized criteria.
What specifically does the Fire Suppression Rating Schedule evaluate?
The FSRS evaluates three areas:
- Fire Alarm & Communication – 10% of the total evaluation score based upon the community’s communication facilities and how it processes and handles emergency call volume.
- Fire Department – 50% of the total evaluation score based upon the amount and type of fire apparatus available for response, the equipment carried, staffing available for response, training including type and total training hours, pump capacity & testing, hose capacity & testing, automatic aid, and fire prevention activities.
- Water Supply – 40% of the total evaluation score based upon the community’s ability to provide adequate water supply for fire suppression, spacing and allocation for fire hydrants. Also included is testing and maintenance of the water distribution system.
Click the link below to view ISO reports.